Ha ha ha
So guess what everyone? I don't know if you all know my roommate Ananda, but if not you totally need to meet her. She is probably the greatest person on this planet. She says really funny things all the time that make me laugh, AND she's from the coolest place anyone could be from, South Dakota. Sometimes she calls it SoDak and I just laugh. Yesterday she said something about prairie dogs, OMG I laughed so hard.
So now that I don't need my crutches to get around I have been running to every class. I think it will help me increase my endurance and I will heal faster. Today when I was running I thought I heard something in my knee crunch, but I probably just stepped on a bug or something, he he.
Oh yeah, I remember this one time when my roommate Ananda said something about the chapel speaker that was so funny. I think it was this morning. Have I mentioned me and Ananda both work at the library? Ref desk for life!! Holler! Oh and Lesa works there too.
By the way here's my favorite website, aside from Ananda's blog which can be seen at www.anandaslens.blogspot.com , my favorite website is http://baseball.mansion.s3p.net/ I love the pretty pictures. Everyone should go there and be cool like me. *wink wink*
Well I have to go watch the boys play baseball and put ice on their groins when they need it. I have such a great job!